Tuesday, October 23, 2012

#Design - MotoCross custom cover art

Please! Do not ask for these! This was a personal job, not outsourcing the work to other people. If you want me to work out something for you, I will do so for money only.

It might not look like so, but this is the most complicated cover art design I did to this day!

With no Pal 32X cover template available on the web - only for the US 32X - and no good scans of MotoCross either.
I tried to recreate most of the details on Photoshop and Illustrator from scratch. Redid the entire logo, etc.
Grabbed some screens and an HD Ntsc cover art for the picture.
Redid a custom template for myself, etc.
What a lot of work for this silly game...

I only had the cartridge but wanted to make a custom box for it. So...there!

I'm not allowing the comments below to avoid the spam I usually get on these.

Design © :icontheeyzmaster: Eyz 2012.
Game and work based on a propriety © Sega
Not for commercial use!