Thursday, July 9, 2015

#SDCC News! A Back to the Future comics!!

San Diego Comic Con 2015 just started. I'm sure a few interesting news will come out of this. Apparently Marvel stepped out of SDCC this year. No panel on upcoming Marvel films, comics, etc. Nada!

I can already safely say what my favorite news out of this year's Comic Con is.

IDW's Ghostbusters series might be over, but they just announced a Back to the Future comic book series!!!

It will be written by John Barber (Transformers) and Erik Burnham (Ghostbusters) with a rotating team of artists beginning with Brent Schoonover and Dan Schoening. Here's a big splash-covers/teaser:

And instead of a traditional series it will rather be an anthology format instead (that's actually how the GB comic at IDW started, with a set of miniseries and specials long before we got the proper ongoing).
Back To The Future #1 will be out in October.

Source: io9.

1 comment:

  1. I'm wishing it simply follows the same pattern as IDW's GB comics.
    First a few mini-series and specials. And then after some success an actual on-going continuation that uses the modern video game as a way to launch this comic book sequel.
