Monday, June 14, 2021

#E32021news Day 1-2-3 and Square Enix mostly I guess

 It's time for some E3 2021 news!


And by E3, I mean the digital version of E3's announcements.. which is basically what 99% of the world received every year actually. No live con. But we kept all the cringe one man shows and talk shows... Yes. Not that great.

And you know what isn't that great? The games. All the games announced so far.

This is me trying to get motivated for a few upcoming stuff.

Maybe I'm just getting a bit... tired of it all? I dunno...

Honestly nothing caught my eyes much so far. Microsoft/Xbox/Bethesda news? Nothing much really... I'll post Psychonauts later.

Sony? SoNo. Meh...

Nintendo? Nothing yet (where are you Zeldaaaaa??). The Mario and Rabbids stuff.. bleh.. Give us a new Xcom instead of this weird IP crossover that plays like Xcom..

Indie stuff? We get better announements throughout the year, no need for a whole E3 for that.

Some Square Enix stuff did catch my attention. Let's see... in no particular order...

The new Life Is Strange looks nice. And sounds intriguing.



We're getting yet another Marvel game from Square Enix in the form of... a brand new original Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy? Sign me up!

This is better than Marvel's Avengers from the go, it's a single-player focused action game. They even (randomly) brought back the interactive story aspect à la Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy! It's an original story inspired by a 2015 comic book arc. Playing from Starlord's POV, with orders assigned to the party FFXV-style. I can dig it.

Plus it will have a great 80s-inspired OST, what's not to like!

On the Final Fantasy-side of things, we got a confirmation of the rumored FF1 remake. It's a SoulBorne-style action game from Team Ninja (who also made Nioh). It seems like an interesting way to re-explore the NES classic, since it was a more generic and openworld-ysh early take on Final Fantasy. Works fine for the formula. I even recognized the first dark knight you could fight north of the starting area.

The only things that isn't working for me is the weird FFXV realistic protagonists. I expected the crazier knight, thief, ninja, wizard classes of the original FF1 art design, which had been revamped several times in games like Dissidia and whatnot. 


And we will apparently get a "pixel remaster" collection of the original FF1-6, which I have been currently replaying.. so it's kinda annoying to me in a way. But it hasn't been announced for consoles yet... what?? Where's the Switch port of this collection? Are you crazy, Square? This would sell easier on consoles than PC! The audience for this is the nostalgic kind, and they wanna play in front of their TV with a pad in hand, not next to a computer!

I'm liking the "pixel remaster" mention, considering the awful 3D-ysh or 2D flash-like remakes they made on Steam or smartphones these last few years. Bring in the pixel-versions of these games, put them on wider resolutions. Done. Use the PSX/GBA revamped score. Done and done. Use a modern HD UI. Maybe the original art for the character portraits. But keep the characters as 2D sprites.

And that's all for this part of the first few days of E3 2021.

If there's more interesting things, I will make other posts. Otherwise, THAT'S IT! THAT'S THE SHOW!

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