Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gamin' NEWS! New game by Toshihiro Nagoshi's team

Who's Toshihiro Nagoshi?
He's one of Sega's most iconic creative forces currently.

His studio ex-Sega AM4/then-Amusement Vision/now-Team CS1 (since they absorbed Smilebit, another ol' Sega studio) was behind the excellent fun series Super Monkey Ball and the ultra popular Yakuza series.

Here's a game for ya!
Follow Nagoshi's evolution from the 90s, through his success with Monkey Ball into his Yakuza series!

Anyway, they just revealed their brand new game with a teaser trailer!
And what will it be?
Another Yakuza?
Monkey Ball's debut for the next gen systems? (if only...)

No...nope... it's...


Binary Domain will be out on PS3 and Xbox 360 next year.
It seems to be a (pretty random if I may add) 3rd person over-the-top shooter with cliché action characters...
So unexpected...

With his huge successes and lots of money he bring in to Sega, Toshihiro Nagoshi seems to be one of those rare developers who has more creative freedom than any other Sega in-house team leaders...
And he uses it to make this!

Bwahahaha! XD
I kinda already want it!

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