Friday, May 4, 2012

#Marvel NEWS! New The Amazing Spider-Man trailer!

With Avengers out, and Dark Knight Rises well on its way, it's Sony Picture's turn with their own Amazing Spider-Man by Marc Webb.

I almost forgot about this one.
I wasn't really interested in it so far, because of an ugly Lizard and a bad casting (IMO).
But then, this pic of Curt Connors!Lizard sporting his classic labcoat (above) and the following happened:

Just... wow!
Looking pretty good.
Pretty, pretty, pretty good.

I can even look past this Garfield-guy as Peter Parker, the weird plot point ("Peter's parents...") and the new weird looking Spider-suit. This just looks really fun!
And he quips, he swings and hits the mark!

Looking forward to it~

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