Monday, May 6, 2013

#Blog - What did you do this weekend?!

Hey folks!

What did you guys 'n' gals do this weekend?

This weekend I finally saw Looper.

It was... okay but with so many little problems to nitpick about.

Most people like to complain about the time travel issues, but I just didn't like the concept it's built upon much since it falls so easily apart. People travel through time in this movie to send people to kill in the past since it's so impossible to do so in the future...yet they obviously shoot someone point blank in the film IN THE FUTURE in a scene.. What the..? How can you accept any of the more far fetched elements if the concepts it's built upon don't even stand up?!

Anyway, fun little flick apart from that...

'Need to rewatch 12 Monkeys though....


  1. 12 Monkeys is a top ten of all time for me...I've got to rewatch Looper. Haven't seen it since the theater....

    1. Yeah, I need to rewatch 12 Monkeys badly :P

      It's been so long since I saw it originally...

      Looper wasn't that great..but is sure fun to discuss it! And it made me want to watch some more time travel-themed movies again!
