Sunday, July 24, 2011

ComicPanelsOfTheWeek: Subway Presents Justice League

Not long ago, DC Comics did a little promotional comics for "Subway". Yep, the sandwiches.
I'll leave you check out the big comic book bloggers for more on that.
But I'll show you some panels first.

The story was about a bunch of random dudes eating lots of Subways, meeting up DC heroes' Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern... Oh and some bad guys appeared too.

Anyways, it was pure non-sense and marketing gimmick.

But at least the villains got their time to shine under the spotlight:

(Click for bigger pic)
Besides how badass those Aquaman villains looked above... The rest was awful....or pure genius if you're not taking this seriously (as it is supposed to be).
Sad that was followed by this one:

(Click for bigger pic)

"These Guys May Be Thougher Than They Look."
Gee, ya think??
One's sporting a gun at you and the other creepy one is armed with a f***ing trident!!

Anyway, here's one more epic panel of Black Manta who loves 'im some Subway whenever!

(Click for bigger pic)

"Subway Presents Justice League" © DC Comics

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