Sunday, July 24, 2011

ComicPageOfTheWeekend: The Supermobile

Ah, Silver Age... you never cease to amuse me :P

(Click for bigger pic)

Action Comics #481 © DC Comics


  1. While Silver Age comics are plenty amusing, this isn't one of them. Though there is never any real consensus, the Silver Age of comics was certainly over by 1970. This book was published in 1978, generally considered the middle of the Bronze Age.

  2. I don't like the use of the term "Bronze Age". Seems rather useless... (I'm never been a fan of hard classification nerds tend to do, like for music I call Rock most music somes would call "Punk", "Pop rock", etc..)

    I see the Silver Age starting with Barry Allen!The Flash and ending with Watchmen/Frank Miller's Dark Knight~

    That's my own opinion, of course!
